Professors Axel GAUTIER and Nicolas PETIT will take part to the CRESSE 9th International Conference on Competition and Regulation.
The Conference Theme is “Advances in the Analysis of Competition Policy and Regulation“. The event will take place in Corfu, Greece on 4-6 July 2014.
Professors Axel GAUTIER and Nicolas PETIT will discuss “Optimal enforcement of competition policy: The commitments procedure under uncertainty“.
CRESSE Conferences deal with Competition and/or Sectoral Regulation issues with emphasis on the policy relevance of recent research. The objective is to give the opportunity for a limited number of high quality papers to be presented and discussed in detail. A second objective is to provide a forum for economists and legal experts to meet and exchange ideas.
An important aspect of the Conference is the organisation of Round Tables with participants from academia but also from policy practice, regulated enterprises, the EU Commission etc.
The CRESS annual conference permanent webpage is available here.