The Liege Competition and Innovation Institute (LCII) is offering a full-time doctoral scholarship in economics at the University of Liège (Belgium), starting in October 2015 to work in the field of Antitrust and Patents.
This scholarship is part of an interdisciplinary research project on ‘Competition and Innovation’ hosted by the LCII. The project seeks to explore the complex relationship between competition policy and intellectual property and the key role played by patents in antitrust enforcement. Recent cases in EU competition law (Motorola, Samsung, Huawei, pay for delay cases…) all illustrate the complex nature of the relationship between competition policy and intellectual property. The PhD project aims at better understanding how competition policy should be envisioned in patent-centric industries.
The project will be supervised by Prof A. Gautier and Prof. L. Artige (from the economic department) and Prof. N. Petit (from the law faculty). The candidate will be hosted in the LCII, a recently created research center on competition and innovation and the candidate will join a dynamic research group of economists and lawyers.
Applications are welcome from qualified economists. The candidate will be enrolled in the PhD program in economics of the University of Liege that includes an advanced research training in economics. The successful candidate is expected to have a strong background in microeconomics and industrial organization and an interest for the interdisciplinary approach of antitrust issues.
How to apply?
Applicants should sent a complete and detailed CV, a research proposal and two reference letters to Prof. Axel Gautier (agautier@ulg.ac.be). The application deadline is September 15.
The LCII offers a four-years PhD scholarship. The net salary is approximately 2000€/Month.