Hoover IP², Stanford University,
The Liege Competition and Innovation Institute, Liege University, and
The Center for Intellectual Property, University of Gothenburg,
cordially invite you to a conference on the next conference:
Institutions and Regulations for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
This event will take place at the Sofitel Hotel Le Louise, in Brussels, BELGIUM on 3 May 2019.
This conference will addresses a core public policy question: What institutions, policies, rules, and regulations will maximize individual benefits and economic surplus in the Fourth Industrial Revolution? The topics to be addressed include:
Royalty Setting and Patent Policy
How should royalties be apportioned in FRAND-enabled standards? What role do regulatory agencies and the courts play in establishing royalty levels if markets or inter-firm negotiations fail? Will these determinations become more challenging with the massive growth of IoT and interconnectivity?
Autonomous Vehicles: Changing Markets, Business Models and Institutions?
How will the advent of autonomous vehicle technology alter the structure of markets, open up new business opportunities, and challenge current institutional foundations? What types of rules and regulations are necessary and appropriate for AV technologies? How will these developments affect the role of patents, standards development, knowledge transfer (e.g., open source programming, patent pools, public domain), and government?
Digital Platforms: Antitrust and Regulation
What is the role of antitrust agencies in regulating platform markets in the digital economy? Will the rise of the IoT pose new antitrust concerns? How should issues such as large multinational firms be approached? What is the threshold for “large”, “big,” or “dominant”?
Globalization, Industrial Champions and 21st Century Protectionism?
Is strict European competition policy limiting European firms from the scale necessary to compete on global markets with US and Chinese firms? Should the law require the definition of global markets in merger reviews to account for foreign competition? Should “industrial policy” standards be introduced into merger law? Should foreign State Owned Enterprises be limited in their ability to enter Western markets by way of strategic mergers with domestic firms?
Prominent government officials, scholars, practitioners and industry representatives from the EU and US will discuss and present papers on these topics.
For more information, consult the conference programme. Register online by 28 April 2019.