Conflicts of Interest and Ethical Rules in EU Competition Policy

The LCII is pleased to invite you to an half-day conference on Conflicts of Interests in EU Competition Law.


May 14, 2014 - 1:00 pm


May 14, 2014 - 6:30 pm


Fondation Universitaire, 11 rue d'Egmont, 1000 Bruxelles   View map

To date, rules on conflicts of interests have only been sparsely discussed in the competition community.

Yet, as in other areas of European Union (“EU”) policy, risks of conflicts of interests are neither remote nor uncommon in competition cases.

This half day conference thus seeks to shed light on the rules that govern conflicts of interests in EU competition policy, and in particular issues such as revolving doors practices, disqualification procedures, disclosure requirements, whistleblowing, etc.

Speakers include prominent enforcers, practitioners and academics.

Liege Competition and Innovation Institute
University of Liege (ULg)
Quartier Agora
Place des Orateurs, 1, Bât. B 33
BE-4000 Liege

Phone: +32 4 366.31.30
Fax: +32 4 366.31.55