Professor, ULiege | LCII Scientific DirectorStart
October 18, 2022 - 12:00 am
October 18, 2022 - 12:00 am
What do Renewable Energy Communities entail?
After the “Clean Energy for all Europeans” initiative there has been increasing interest and promotion of renewable energies, leading to the adoption of the Renewable Energy Directive called ‘RED II’ in 2018. The latter advocates for local citizens, companies and municipalities to play a key role in green energy consumption and production activities through projects such as Renewable Energy Communities (RECs). RECs are subject to multiple economic, financial, social, technical and regulatory aspects to be addressed. In the last years, several research projects have been implemented to optimize RECs’ success in the energy transition.
As part of the AMORCE project (Micro and macro analysis for the optimization and the replicability of energy communities) funded by the Wallonian government, HEC Liège hosts a workshop gathering researchers and experts from different backgrounds to discuss the current evolution of REC projects.
More info here.