Facts and figures
Various meetings and seminars are organized during the academic year to help students improve their professional skills (CV and cover letters drafting, interview techniques, etc.) and to introduce themselves to legal practitioners. Last but not least, opportunities for summer placements in law firms and institutions are regularly offered.
In addition to these events, our alumni data-base is a key asset for graduating students, who benefit from a useful network of contacts, at the very beginning of their career.
Many of our former students now hold positions in prestigious law firms, companies and public institutions.

What recruiters say about us
“Recruits from the LL.M. in EU Competition and IP law commonly exhibit excellent legal capacities. The high quality of the education programme allows former LLM students to quickly deliver effective support in the management of legal matters”.
Partner, Bird & Bird LLP
“ALTIUS has welcomed several of ULg’s students having followed the LL.M. in EU Competition & IP law over the last few years, either as summer interns or as Associates. We have always been very pleased with the level of legal knowledge of these students, their communication skills and their team spirit. We would definitely welcome further applications from ULg students in the future”.
Olivier VRINS
Partner, Altius
“The education delivered in the framework of the LLM in EU Competition and IP law goes beyond the concepts and trains its students to understand thorny, legal issues. Former LCII students manifestly exhibit the capacity for relevant analysis and synthesis of the most demanding cases.”
Partner, Crowell & Moring
“The LL.M. in IP law is undoubtedly amongst the best educational programmes in the field. The excellent comprehension of law acquired during the LLM formation makes LLM alumni keen interlocutors, ready to help delivering tailor-made solutions to clients.”
Catherine SMITS
Partner, Koan Lorenz
What alumni say about us
“This LLM has proven to be the indispensable key to get in the Brussels legal market and has provided me with the precise knowledge and connections I needed. Moreover, it was an excellent way to get used to work in both English and French, which is being really useful. I will always recommend the LLM to all the young professionals who want to succeed in this competitive market!”
Case handler, DG COMP, EU Commission
“The LL.M in EU competition and IP Law of the University of Liège provides students with the optimal input to further develop a successful career in EU top law firms, public institutions, corporate firms or academia. This is due to the top quality of its lecturers (e.g., prestigious practitioners at a EU level), its comprehensive bilingual academic program, the extra-curricular activities offered during the academic year (e.g., participation in law moot courts, publication of papers, free attendance to hot-topic conferences in Brussels, etc.), and the international background of the students. The current positions of most of the Alumni say it all about the quality of the programme!”
Associate, Clifford Chance
“I decided to enrol in the LL.M. in EU Competition and IP law due to its unique specialization in both fields and the possibility to study the intersection between the two areas which is particularly relevant nowadays. I especially valued having top practitioners as professors combining the theory and practice and the fact that I was able to attend multiple conferences and seminars. Having a reduced number of students in class is also a distinguishing factor and makes you feel back at school! I would definitely recommend this program!”
Associate, Hogan Lovells
“The LL.M. in EU Competition and IP law does not solely combine two challenging fields of law. It gives its students precious insights in how to deal with complex matters, encouraging them to think ‘out of the box’. The bilingual aspect; the innovative program with the possibility to ‘customize’ it with optional courses; the very motivated team of teachers and staff and the possibilities to participate in conferences and moot courts (to only name a few), ensure high level knowledge and the practical “touch” needed to successfully pursue a legal career.”
Associate, Hoyng Rokh Monegier
“A very interesting education offering excellent insight into all aspects of IP and competition law and focussing on the current debates in both bodies of law. Highly recommended because of the combination of a theoritical and practical approach.”
Frederik BAEYENS
Associate, De Bock & Baluwe
“The LL.M. offered me a unique opportunity to gain an in-depth knowledge of IP and competition law, and this not only from an academic point of view: a lot of attention is being paid to practical cases, exercises and recent developments. Moreover, students are often invited to conferences and seminars that are not normally accessible to them. This, in combination with the fact that the courses are taught in French and English, makes this LL.M. the perfect preparation to become a skilled legal practitioner”.
Ann-Sophie MAES
In-House Lawyer, TOTAL
“C’était l’occasion rêvée d’approfondir les matières de la propriété intellectuelle et du droit de la concurrence qui m’intéressent particulièrement. On peut en effet compter sur une équipe de professeurs et d’assistants experts et sur un enseignement bilingue”.
Julien JOST
Head of Unit, Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel (CSA)
“A simple Master in law degree is no longer enough for many students. It is why, after having obtained the scholarship for foreign students from the Belgian government, I decided to join this LL.M. The choice was not difficult, as although relatively new, the LL.M. is already highly-recognized all over Europe and the decision fast turned out to be one of the best I’ve made in my professional path so far! “
Sonia Józviak
Civil Servant, Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection
“Grace à ce Master complémentaire, j’ai passé une année riche, passionnante et très instructive : corps professoral exemplaire (tant d’un point de vue humain que dans la teneur des cours), avantages d’une «classe» peu nombreuse (forte complicité…) et, last but not least, de très nets progrès en anglais”.
Legal Intern, CBC Bank & Insurance
“Thanks to a teaching staff consisting of both leading academics and practitioners, this LL.M. offers in-depth insights in IP and competition law. Through its interactive formula and international orientation, it enticed me to think outside the box and to develop a cross-border perspective on both bodies of law. Furthermore, my command of both French and English has improved significantly during the course of the program. Administrative support during the year is superb. All in all, I highly recommend the program.”
Kristof NEEFS
Associate, Altius
“Thanks to this Advanced Master, I was able to gain an in-depth knowledge in both IP and competition law. It also gave me the opportunity to particpate in the College of Europe ‘Competition Law Moot Court’ and develop a more practical way of thinking. The fact that this Advanced Master is taught in French and English was a surplus for me, as Dutch speaking student”.
Associate, Monard Law
“The LL.M. program was a great leg up to my professional career! We had a passionate and inspiring teaching staff that taught us insightful practical and theoretical knowledge on current IP and competition law issues. The bilingual and interactive courses made me improve my language and communication skills. Moreover, I received many opportunities to attend interesting conferences, to build up a professional network on which I still rely on, and to do internships, where I could immediately apply theory to practice. Therefore, I can strongly recommend this program.”
Legal Counsel & Compliance Officer, Quintiles
“Unforgettable bilingual education by top Brussels lawyers and other excellent professors with substantial experience in IP and competition law. The two main themes are thoroughly imbued throughout the courses, all of this in a multinational surrounding with ample opportunity to discover other European cultures. The decision to come to the IEJE has been the best decision so far in my student life. Students graduating from the Advanced Master program are definitively ready to “play the game”.”
Legal Advisor, Croatian Telecoms