Visiting fellow | European Commission. Legal Service. Senior Expert
Josep Carpi is member of the AIDE Team of the Legal Service of the European Commission, providing legal analysis, advice and assistance in EU State aid matters and representing the European Commission in Court proceedings. From September 2015 until March 2021, he served as Head of Unit A-2 in the European Commission’s DG Competition, in charge of merger case support and policy. Previously, he held various management and non-management positions in DG Competition, both in antitrust and in mergers (2008-2014 and 2001-2003). Between 2003 and 2008, Josep served as a Legal secretary («référendaire») in the Court of Justice of the European Union (General Court). Prior to joining the European Commission, Josep worked in legal private practice and as a legal adviser for the Representation of the Spanish region of Catalonia before the EU institutions.
Josep holds a Master’s degree in European Law from the College of Europe in Bruges and graduated in Law at the University of Barcelona. He has written or co-written several books and a number of articles on competition law and policy, general EU law and EU Courts and judicial procedure. Among these, the merger chapter in Faull & Nikpay’s (2014), the chapter on substantive assessment of mergers in Drauz & Jones’ (2012; new edition coming in 2021) and the chapter on evaluation of the effects of mergers in Tratado de Derecho de la Competencia (2017). He is co-Chief editor of the quarterly journal Competition Law and Policy Debate (CLPD). Josep frequently participates as speaker/lecturer in conferences and academic programmes and has extensive experience in international cooperation (EU and non-EU competition agencies, ICN, OECD).