KARL Christof

KARL Christof

Par­tner of the IP law firm Bardehle Pagenberg

Christof Karl is a Par­tner of the IP law firm Bardehle Pagenberg. His legal practice focu­ses on prosecution and litigation of patents. He works in the fields of computer software and hardware as well as telecommunications. Further activities include advice in Computer Law, Internet Law and Co­pyright Law issues. Christof Karl’s practice en­compasses representation before the German Federal Patent Court.

Christof Karl is a German attorney-at-law, a US attorney-at-law, a computer scientist and a Ger­man patent attorney. He is qualified to handle both the legal and technical aspects of patent litigation.

Christof Karl holds an LL.M. in Intellectual Proper­ty Law from the George Washington University (GWU), Washington DC, USA, and a PhD in law from the University of Munich, Germany.


ID Course Name Duration ECTS
DROI0996-1 IP Enforcement 10h 2

Liege Competition and Innovation Institute
University of Liege (ULg)
Quartier Agora
Place des Orateurs, 1, Bât. B 33
BE-4000 Liege

Phone: +32 4 366.31.30
Fax: +32 4 366.31.55
E-Mail: lcii@ulg.ac.be